Here's the latest information on the plan to renovate the Reservoir dam and reinforce it with steel sheets:

n       The Office of Dam Safety has given its approval to proceed and the Arlington and Lexington Conservation Commissions have issued necessary permits;

n       The town/engineering team is in the process of complying with local permit conditions and obtaining approval from the Army Corps of Engineers;

n       Within the next few weeks, a couple of areas (near the path to Hurd Field and near the Arlington/Lexington line) will be surveyed and the trees counted.  The goal is to come up with the number of trees being removed that will have to be replaced in other locations in town and to identify specific trees in these areas that special effort will be made to save.  Minimizing tree loss on this project is still an important objective;

n       After permit conditions are met and approvals received, the project will be going out to bid for construction.  The anticipated construction schedule is from January to the end of May.  Work is being planned so as not to interfere with the summer recreation season, but there will be disruption to recreational uses during the construction period.

n       A number of bridge designs have been reviewed and the current favorites can be seen by following these links:  Design_1, Design_2  

As additional information becomes available, it will be posted to Vision 2020’s Arlington Reservoir website ( and email information group.  Visit the website to find out how to join the “ArlRes” email information group, where as the project moves forward, observations and questions will be posted to help keep everyone informed.  

October 6, 2004

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