Here is some important info from our November 7 meeting: Rich Bento reported that he has a draft report from Weston and Sampson. He had not finished reading it when we met, but we discussed some issues raised in the report and in a letter from Weston and Sampson. Highlights (as I remember them) include that: 1) it appears that DEM will approve use of a 500 year storm event for the project; and 2) the conceptual cost estimate for the work (not including landscaping and planting) ranges from $1.785 million to $2.16 million (in 2001 dollars). Based on that estimate, we discussed briefly with Rich whether it made sense to look more closely at the dam decommissioning alternative to see if that is a better choice (more on that discussion next month). An unfinished piece of business from our October meeting was whether we would have a subcommitte work with Rich on issues related to the dam. Based on our discussion with Rich on 11/7, we decided that is a good idea. The subcommittee will not make decisions for the entire committee, but will meet with Rich and the consultant when for timing reasons a meeting at night with the entire committee is impractical and so that Rich will have contacts on the committee to call to discuss ideas. More on that next month. We reported to Rich that the subcommittee on dam issues would be Cathy Garnett, Brian Hasbrouck, and Chick Abbott. (I think it would help if you each sent Rich your e-mail address so he can contact you (Rich is at We also remembered that Brian said he would be take notes at the dam subcommittee meetings and report them to the full committee. (Brian, we hope we remembered that correctly.) Elizabeth was not at the November 7 meeting and we had no other note takers, so this will have to suffice as the notes of the November 7 meeting unless someone else who was at the meeting would like to correct or supplement this e-mail. Gene - 11/14/01 NEXT MEETING: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 (note change of date). . |